What is an Individual Living Options (ILOs)?

Individualised Living Option (ILO) has been developed by the NDIS to provide support that lets you, the Participant, choose where you live with the supports in place that best suit your needs. An ILO arrangement is about the supports that can assist you to help you to live in a home environment of your choosing.

An ILO arrangement does not provide you with the house itself or assist with the cost of your home eg rent or mortgage that you may wish to live in, but helps you to live in the environment and with who you may wish to live with.

If you are considering an ILO arrangement, here is the ILO process

Stage 1: Exploration and Design
As a first step, this means we will work with you, your family, and friends to really understand where and how you want to live, your strengths, and what supports are right for you in your home.

Then, together we will design your unique plan, using both paid and unpaid support and recommend the best living options for you.

Through this process, you will work with your very own Exploration and Design Coordinator. It will take a minimum of 2~3-months as it’s important to get it right. So, get the ball rolling today!

Stage 2: Implementation
Implementation, which is carrying out your plan to make it a reality, (or building it), comes next.

We help you to settle into the home of your choice. Then once you’re there, continually check in to make sure it’s working for you. If changes are needed, we can work with you on these too. We’ll be there to monitor and support you every step of the way.

Who can I live with?
With ILO you have complete control of who you live with. You can share a home with friends, or housemates, or live on your own. Here are just some of the choices available:

You can live with other people (housemates) who will provide you with care, help and companionship. Your housemates may receive a payment or subsidised rent.

You might like to live in a home where you have the support of a host, couple or their family who share their home and everyday life with you.

You might like to live in a home where you have a small team of paid mentors that you have chosen to support you. A mentor can spend extended periods of time providing direct and indirect support.

Live alone
You might like to live alone or with others and have support from your family and friend in addition to some flexible drop in supports.
No matter who you choose to live with, it’s the chance to form strong relationships with those around you.

What kind of properties can I live in?
It’s important to remember that your ILO funding doesn’t cover the cost of the property that you live in. Instead, it covers a flexible package of supports which are just right for you.

An apartment on your own in the city with drop-in support? A house in the suburbs with friends and shared support? There are so many options and the choice is yours!

Individualised Living Options (ILO) at DESS

At DESS, we work in partnership with you and key people in your life to thoroughly identify your specific support requirement and then tailor a living arrangement of your choice that meets your needs. The living arrangement has all the appearance of any other natural living arrangement in the community.

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